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Signs and Symptoms

  • SI joint dysfunction usually causes dull low back pain on one side (and possibly the leg and buttock).
  • SI joint pain can present as sciatica-like symptoms, including leg pain, burning, numbness and tingling.
  • The pain is often a mild to moderate ache around the dimple (low back) region of the spine.
  • The pain may become worse and sharp while doing activities and can be triggered by standing up from a seated position or lifting the knee toward the chest during stair climbing or walking uphill.
  • Pain is typically on one side or the other, but the pain can occasionally be on both sides.
  • You may notice that it bothers you more in the morning and gets better during the day.
  • With severe SI joint pain, there may be referred pain into the hip, groin, and occasionally down the leg, but rarely does the pain radiate below the knee.
  • Muscle tightness and tenderness in your hips or buttocks.
  • Pain can be referred from the SI joint down into the buttock or back of the thigh, and in rare occasions, to the foot.
  • Low back pain and stiffness, often on one side, that often increases with prolonged sitting and prolonged walking.
  • Disturbed sleep patterns and disturbed sitting patterns due to pain (unable to sit for long periods, sitting on one side).
  • Feeling of leg instability (buckling, giving way).

Pre-Injection Pain Diary

Medicare/Local Coverage Determination typically requires two injections that present 75% or more relief.

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