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Dr. Yeddu Treats Woman’s SI Joint Dysfunction with LinQ

Jenn had always taken pride in being an active and sporty person. Whether biking, participating in roller derby or running 5k races and marathons, Jenn was able to stay fit and healthy for most of her life. Unfortunately, everything changed when she fell and broke her pelvis in 2021 and developed SI joint dysfunction. The pain was unbearable, and it seemed like nothing could make it go away. Jenn tried different treatments, such as injections and pain medication, but the relief was only temporary.


Jenn’s life had become a nightmare, and she had to give up her hobbies because of the pain. Her legs would randomly give out, and she couldn’t walk without experiencing discomfort. This caused her to become inactive and stagnant. The things she once loved were no longer within reach, and she felt like her life was slipping away. However, that all changed when Ajay Yeddu, MD, at Desert Interventional Spine Consultants, recommended the LinQ SI Joint Stabilization System.

Jenn Begins to Search for Relief from SI Joint Dysfunction

After her pelvis injury, Jenn was in constant pain, making it difficult to carry out even the simplest tasks. Frustrated and desperate for a solution, she began searching for other options. One day, while discussing her situation with her primary care physician, he mentioned the LinQ procedure. Intrigued, Jenn asked for more information.

That’s when Dr. Yeddu came into the picture. He was able to provide Jenn with more detailed information about what to expect during the procedure. Through several conversations, Dr. Yeddu explained the entire process, from the initial consultation to the implantation of the device and the recovery process. He answered all of Jenn’s questions, and she felt comfortable with the process.

Jenn had never heard of the LinQ procedure before, but the more she learned about it, the more it sounded like the solution she had been looking for. She was tired of living in constant pain and was ready to try something new. After careful consideration, Jenn underwent the LinQ procedure, which turned out to be a life-changing decision.

Jenn’s Symptoms of SI Joint Dysfunction Subside After the LinQ Procedure

Jenn’s life changed dramatically after Dr. Yeddu completed the LinQ procedure. According to her, “Everything has improved since receiving LinQ. I have so much relief I forget that I ever had pain in my back.”

She noticed an incredible difference in her symptoms right away, and every day since then has been amazing. “It’s a 100% difference from before the surgery,” she said.

“I can do everything I love doing again. I have no negative symptoms, and I don’t even have a scar,” Jenn said. “I can walk my dog 2.5 hours a night. I am training my own service dog, who just received his certification. I can ride my bike again. I ran a 5k last week and had no pain in my back. I can do everything I love doing. [LinQ] has changed my life!”

According to Jenn, her recovery has been nothing short of incredible. The LinQ procedure has allowed her to regain her mobility, independence, and freedom. She’s able to do the things she loves and spend time with the people that matter most without any discomfort. It’s no wonder she considers the procedure a life-changing experience.

What is the LinQ Procedure?

The LinQ Stabilization System is a minimally invasive option for patients with SI joint dysfunction and chronic low back pain. This unique procedure is designed to provide patients with relief and joint stability through a small bone allograft implant. Unlike other SI joint fusion surgeries, the LinQ procedure can be completed through a single, small incision in the lower back and helps create an ideal environment for long-term fusion.

Patients typically go home the same day as the procedure and can usually resume daily activities within a few weeks, depending on their individual healing progress and the physician’s orders. While surgical outcomes and post-surgical results may vary, many patients experience significantly less recovery time than with traditional SI joint fusion surgeries.

Embark on Your LinQ to Life Journey

If you are suffering from chronic SI joint or back pain and are considering the LinQ procedure, PainTEQ can help you find a LinQ provider near you. Our network of experienced providers can help you get back to the activities you love by offering this minimally invasive procedure. 

Furthermore, providers may enhance their practice and boost patient outcomes by partnering with PainTEQ and offering this unique procedure. Contact PainTEQ today to learn more about finding a LinQ provider near you or optimizing your practice with LinQ.

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