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5 Effective Sacroiliitis Treatment Options

Sacroiliitis treatments typically include physical therapy and medication management before escalating to surgical intervention.

Common Causes of Pelvic and Lower Back Pain

Causes of pelvic and lower back pain can include muscle strain, arthritis, herniated discs, SI joint dysfunction and more.

Bilateral Sacroiliitis: When Pain Affects Both SI Joints

Bilateral sacroiliitis involves inflammation in both of the SI joints, leading to symptoms that affect your ability to perform daily activities comfortably.

Sacroiliitis Exercises for Temporary Relief

Discover effective sacroiliitis exercises for pain relief. Strengthen your core, improve flexibility, and manage SI joint pain with these exercises.

Types of SI Joint Provocative Tests for Diagnosing SI Joint Dysfunction

SI joint provocative tests are designed to replicate the pain and symptoms associated with SI joint dysfunction.

Exploring SI Joint Anatomy and Its Function

The sacroiliac (SI) joint plays a pivotal role in our anatomy, yet it often goes unnoticed until it causes discomfort or pain.

Where is SI Joint Pain Felt and How to Recognize it

When a person has SI joint dysfunction, their symptoms can manifest in distinct areas of the lower body.

SI Joint Pain When Sitting: Tips for Comfort

When you experience SI joint pain, even the simplest tasks, like sitting down, can become challenging.

5 Warning Signs of Chronic Sacroiliitis

Are you experiencing persistent lower back pain that won’t go away? It could be a sign of chronic sacroiliitis.

Chronic Low Back Pain: How is SI Joint Dysfunction Diagnosed?

One of the often-overlooked causes of chronic low back pain is sacroiliac joint dysfunction, or SI joint dysfunction for short.

A Simplified Guide to Getting an SI Joint Injection

In some cases, your doctor might suggest getting an SI joint injection as a way to both diagnose and treat your pain.

Tips for Managing SI Joint Pain While Traveling

With the right preparation, you can help manage your SI joint pain before traveling so you can try to enjoy your trip to the fullest.

5 Sacroiliac Joint Pain Symptoms

When the sacroiliac joint becomes misaligned, dysfunctional, or otherwise compromised, it may lead to several symptoms.

5 SI Joint Stretches for Natural Pain Relief

SI joint pain may be debilitating. However, incorporating these 5 SI joint stretches into your daily routine may help improve your quality of life.

Sacroiliac Joint Pain Relief Tips

Sacroiliac (SI) joint pain can be a frustrating and debilitating condition for those who suffer from it. Fortunately, there are several ways patients may experience sacroiliac joint pain relief.

How Should a Healthy Sacroiliac Joint Function?

There are three main components of a healthy sacroiliac joint. If you experience any dysfunction in these components, it may indicate that your SI joint is not functioning normally and should be assessed by a professional.

Does Insurance Cover SI Joint Fusion with LinQ?

If you are considering SI joint fusion with LinQ, you may be wondering if insurance will cover the procedure. The PainTEQ Patient Access Program is designed to help patients throughout the process and make it as stress-free as possible

LinQ SI Joint Stabilization Recovery: Postoperative Instructions

It is important for patients to follow their surgeon’s instructions carefully, but there are some general things all patients should do after having LinQ surgery.

What is the Sacroiliac Joint and SI Joint Dysfunction?

The sacroiliac joints are essential for movement and stability, but SI joint dysfunction can cause chronic low back pain. Learn more about this condition and possible treatments.

Fortin Finger Test: A Diagnostic Tool

SI joint dysfunction is commonly underdiagnosed. Let’s learn more about the Fortin finger test, one way to identify this condition.

5 Swimming Exercises to Help SI Joint Pain

There are a variety of activities you can try to improve your quality of life and temporarily relieve your pain. One of the most popular activities that may alleviate SI joint pain is swimming.

Low Back Pain: Not Always Spine-related

Did you know that low back pain is not always spine-related? In fact, there are many other things that can cause low-back pain. One of these is SI joint dysfunction.

Questions To Ask Your Physician if You Have Low Back Pain

Asking the right questions may help you get the most out of your appointment. If you’re experiencing low back pain, here are a few questions to ask your doctor.

The Difference Between Sciatica and SI Joint Dysfunction

Not sure if you’re experiencing sciatica or SI joint dysfunction? Find out how to distinguish between these two common causes of back pain and be on your way towards better healing.

5 Possible Reasons Why Your Lower Back Hurts

Lower back pain is incredibly common in people of all ages and lifestyles. Here are five possible reasons why your lower back hurts.

Does Sacroiliac Joint Pain Heal On Its Own?

Some cases of sacroiliac joint pain heal on their own, while others require medical intervention. Check out some possible causes of SI joint pain here.

Yoga for SI Joint Pain

If you would like to exercise without aggravating your SI joint, try these five activities safe for SI joint pain.

SI Joint Pain and Pregnancy

A majority of pain associated with pregnancy is related to a hormone called relaxin, which allows your muscles and ligaments to loosen up. However, it can also lead to SI joint dysfunction.

What if SI Joint Injections Don’t Work?

If your provider administered SI joint injections, you might have experienced temporary relief as a result. Unfortunately, SI joint injections are not intended to be a permanent solution in many cases.

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Test

There is no single way to give an official diagnosis for SI joint dysfunction. Rather, it is essential to receive a combination of both a physical examination and various diagnostic tests to determine the source of your pain.

How to Sleep With SI Joint Pain

If you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep comfortably due to SI joint pain, here are a few tips to help you achieve the restful night of sleep that you deserve.

October: National Physical Therapy Month

While physical therapy is a relatively safe and effective option for many pain conditions, it’s not always the best solution for those with chronic sacroiliac (SI) joint pain.

Common Causes of SI Joint Dysfunction

The sacroiliac joint, known as the SI joint, is located between the adjacent surfaces of the sacrum and ilium, in the pelvis. It is a site of significant motion during walking and running and also bears weight from the upper body.

New Multicenter Study Reports >75% Pain Relief at 1 year for SI Joint Dysfunction Patients Using LinQ from the Florida-Based Med Tech Company, PainTEQ to Salvage Previously Implanted Pain Devices and Therapies

An independent study shows that posterior SI joint fusion with LinQ demonstrates the potential to rescue patients that have had inadequate pain relief from previous therapies, including lumbar fusion.

LinQ for SI Joint Dysfunction During Pain Awareness Month

September is Pain Awareness Month. During this annual health observance holiday, pain specialists across the country get together to raise awareness about issues related to chronic pain.

When is it Time to Seek Treatment for Low Back Pain?

Low back pain isn’t always spine related. If previous therapies have failed, it may be because your SI joint is to blame. Understand how SI joint dysfunction can manifest as low back pain.

How is SI Joint Dysfunction Diagnosed?

SI joint dysfunction generally refers to pain in the hip region caused by abnormal motion in the sacroiliac joint. This is thought to cause chronic low back pain, groin pain, and leg pain, impacting one’s quality of life.

Hypermobility vs. Hypomobility

The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint that allows you to stand, walk, run, and so much more. Without a fully-functioning hip, these activities would be difficult and even impossible in some circumstances. But what causes hip pain?

3 Most Common Causes of Hip Pain

The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint that allows you to stand, walk, run, and so much more. Without a fully-functioning hip, these activities would be difficult and even impossible in some circumstances. But what causes hip pain?

What is SI Joint Dysfunction?

SI joint dysfunction generally refers to pain in the hip region caused by abnormal motion in the sacroiliac joint. This is thought to cause chronic low back pain, groin pain, and leg pain, impacting one’s quality of life.

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